Workday BIRT Interview Question and Answers

"Preparing for Your Workday BIRT Interview - A Comprehensive List of Questions and Answers"

Workday BIRT is a Technology that helps collect data from different sources, which can be further put into action.

What are the Workday BIRT Interview Question and Answers?

What is Workday BIRT?

Workday BIRT is where in business form layouts can be used and designed in Workday report designer (BIRT) to fulfill the company’s report layout requirements. Extended text arrangements, headers, formatting, webpage breathers, individual labels, scopes, data, custom and provided report designs.

Can you explain how you would design a report in Workday BIRT?

One should discuss requests with customers, create reports using BIRT tools, then review with customers to ensure their needs are met.

What are Configuring data or Informative Sources in Workday BIRT?

Configuring informative sources in Workday BIRT involves setting up the connection, authentication info, and query to retrieve data. Once set, the head can be used to create reports.

How to Create Custom Data sets in Workday BIRT?

To create custom data sets in Workday BIRT, you must create a query in the Workday Studio.

Then, you can use the question to create a custom data set in the BIRT Creative report designer. Finally, you can add the custom data set to your report.

How do you Format and Style Reports in Workday BIRT?

Workday BIRT provides themes and a formatting palette for creating meaningful, visually appealing reports. Themes are predefined formatting styles that can be applied to an entire account, while the formatting palette allows users to customize individual elements.

How can one Deploy Reports in Workday BIRT?

Log into the Workday studio to design a report design, save it, then deploy it. Access via Report Library. To deploy, go to Workday studio, select project, right-click, Export to Workday, enter report details and click Finish.

How are the Components of a Report Designer Described?

Four components of a report designer: Data, Text box, Basic and Modern.

What are the steps to Delete a Formatting Rule in BIRT?

To delete a formatting rule in BIRT-

  • Open the report layout and select the element that has the formatting rule applied to it.
  • Right-click the element and select Formatting Rules from the menu. Select the rule you want to delete and then click the Delete button.
  • .Confirm your selection by clicking OK.
  • The formatting rule is now deleted.

What are the Benefits of Workday BIRT?

  • Increased Efficiency: Workday BIRT automates processes, reducing manual errors & improving efficiency.
  • Easier Access to Data: Workday BIRT provides one-stop access to multiple data sources.
  • Improved Reporting: Workday BIRT enables customized reports with the latest data.
  • Enhanced Security: Workday BIRT secures sensitive data. Cost Savings: Workday BIRT automates processes, saving time & money.

What Methods can be used to Feed Data to Workday BIRT Charts?

Data for a chart in Workday BIRT can be provided by creating a data set. This can be done by navigating the Data Sets tab in the Report Designer and clicking the New Data Set button. You can select the data source, define the query, and select the fields in the data set. Once the data set is created, it can populate the chart.

What is the usage of Expression Builder in Workday BIRT?

Expression builder in Workday BIRT is a powerful tool that allows users to build complex expressions using functions, variables, and constants in reports. Expression Builder enables users to create presentations from scratch, edit existing terms and validate them using the Expression Builder interface.

How do Aggregate, Group and sort in Workday BIRT?

Aggregating, grouping, and sorting in Workday BIRT can be done using the “Group,” “Sort” and “Aggregate” properties in the Data Explorer view.

How do you Manage to sort in Workday BIRT?

Sorting in Workday BIRT organizes data into a specific order. It can collect data by date, number, name, or other criteria. Sorting is essential in Workday BIRT to make the data easier to read and analyze. It can also help to find specific records quickly and efficiently.

How can I use Aggregating data in Workday BIRT to Create Meaningful Insights?

Aggregating data in Workday BIRT combines multiple data sets into a single, summarized report. It involves summarizing and grouping data from multiple sources into a cohesive piece. This can be done using various methods such as sum, average, count, and minimum/maximum values. Aggregated data can be used to gain insight into trends or uncover patterns in the data.

What is the Process for Creating a Filter in Workday BIRT?

The process for creating a filter in Workday BIRT is as follows:

  1. Open the report in the BIRT designer.
  2. Select the Filters tab to access the filter configuration page.
  3. Select Add to create a new filter.
  4. Select the type of filter (i.e., Text, Number, Date, List, etc.).
  5. Configure the filter options as desired.
  6. Once the filter is created, use the Report Parameters tab to define the parameter information.
  7.  Save the report and preview it to verify that the filter works as expected

What kind of Filters are Available for Data in BIRT?

In BIRT, you can enable users to filter data by using the Filter icon located in the Data Explorer view. You can create a filter by selecting the specific fields you want to filter on and then setting the filter criteria. You can also use parameters to filter data, which allow users to enter their values to filter on.

What are the Steps to Embed a Chart in a Workday BIRT Report?

The following Steps can be used to Create a Report Containing a Simultaneous Sub-Report in Workday BIRT:

  1. Open Workday BIRT Report Designer and create a new report.
  2. Drag the Table widget onto canvas, and click the Sub-Report icon.
  3. Select Sub-Report, and adjust the size.
  4. Preview and adjust the size if necessary.
  5. Save the Report.

How to Adjust the Width of a row or Column in Workday BIRT?

To Resize a Row or Column by Dragging its Boundary in Workday BIRT, follow the steps given below:

  1. Select the row or column that needs to be resized
  2. Move the mouse over the row or column boundary until it changes to a double-headed arrow.
  3. Drag the boundary to the desired size.
  4. Release the mouse button to finalize the new size.

What Does BIRT stand for Workday?

The reporting tools (BIRT) project and business intelligence are available to resources software programs that deliver professional intelligence capabilities and reporting for wealthy clients and internet applications, specifically those based upon Java EE and Java.

Define the BIRT Template

BIRT is Business Intelligence and Reporting tool. It is an available innovation platform that generates reports and visual data documents into abundant customer and internet applications.

How may the JDBC Driver be Removed from the Right JAR Report?

  • Select Edit from the context menu, then right-click on the remaining JDBC data sources.
  • It prompts you to Edit Data Source.
  • Choose “Manage Drivers” to bring up the JDBC Driver Manager.
  • You can remove the driver by selecting the JAR file containing it and clicking the delete button. The JAR files and drivers they include are removed from the JDBC car driver’s directory site once BIRT Report is run.

How can I Customize the Look and Feel of a Report in BIRT?

  • In Outline, make the styles bigger
  • Right-click the style you want to change, and then choose Edit Style.
  • In Edit Style, change the type of home you want, then click OK.
  • All parts of the report that use that type are changed to match thenew designs.

What Methods can you use to Upload Data into Workday BIRT?

Workday BIRT supports direct upload, data streams and third-party connectors. Workday BIRT allows the direct upload of data from spreadsheets, databases, and other systems. Third-party interfaces and data feed to let users link Workday BIRT to other systems.

What are the key Benefits of using Workday BIRT?

The main Benefits are–

  • Designed Reports
  • Studio map Reading Central workday using words.
  • Many Products and Data sets
  • Sorts, Aggregates and Groups.

How can Workday BIRT help to Improve Reporting and Analytics?

Flexible Workday BIRT can collect datasheets from configuring questions on managing the report shown and creating a design from various documents/reports, charts and alphabets.


These were a few examples of Workday BIRT Interview questions and answers. I hope this blog helps you in the future. For more sources regarding Workday, you can visit “Workday Trainings”.

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