Workday Revenue Training
Instructor Training
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- Cost Effective
- Hands on Experience
- Access to subject matter experts

Workday Revenue Training focuses on various transformations of Revenue standards across multiple organizations.
Learn various concepts involved in Workday Revenue at workdaytrainings online training classes.
You can look at the various topics covered in Workday Revenue at the course content below.
You will be assigned an online session with experienced trainers to get hands-on experience in Workday Revenue.
Workday Revenue training allows learning and analyzing revenues involved in an organization.
Join our Online classes and get the guidance of Workday certification and an easy path to clear your interview.
Workday Revenue offers one system designed to manage every step in their contact-to-cash lifecycle: contract creation through collection and billing to analytics and accounting.
Workday Revenue offers Contract Support Solutions with or CRM systems such as Sage to give users full visibility from proposal through contract life cycle payment process.
Workday Revenue makes implementing new revenue recognition rules faster in your organization easier by managing all day-to-day revenues and offering user created Revenue Sales functionalities. Without learning Workday Revenue, managing day-to-day revenues is impossible and user creation for Sales is almost nonexistent – as is user validation!
Workday professionals typically make more money than their counterparts in other professions, due to no prerequisites required to understand Workday revenue or Workday Developer roles; in contrast, even without previous programming experience you could still become successful as part of this profession. But certification remains crucial.
To achieve Workday Revenue certification, the following requirements must be fulfilled. Providing that you’re an eligible Workday Partnered member and will remain employed, then eligible to take the exam will do just fine – however the certificate won’t work once relocated elsewhere!
Login credentials from your employer are necessary in order to take part in the Workday Partnered Company Certification exam, but upon joining one, this exam is provided free-of-charge.
Features ?
- Lifetime access
- Lifetime video access
- Real-time case studies
- The project integrated into the Curriculum
- 24 X 7 Support from our team of administrators
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is Workday Revenue?
Workday Revenue provides businesses with real-time insight into their financial performance through forecasting, reporting and budgeting tools. Users of Workday Revenue may go further into the data to understand which factors drive their company.
Who Should Learn Workday Revenue?
Anyone interested in workingday revenue is welcome to learn more, though those with accounting and finance expertise might find the experience particularly insightful. Visit workdaytrainings to take part in one of their weekly training sessions for further instruction if this topic interests you!
How Can I Become Workday Revenue Certified?
Workday offers several certifications that may prove valuable when trying to become Workday certified; Core Connections, Financial Management and Human Capital Management certification courses could prove particularly effective. In addition, experts in Workday deployment who collaborate with consultants or service providers often give certification courses themselves.
Course Content
1.Introduction to Workday
- Core Concepts and Navigation
- Tenant- Landing Page
- Basic Navigation
- Functional Area
- Workday User, Proxy- Start proxy
2.Organization and Worktags
- Reorganization
- Organization types
- Organization- company, cost center, company hierarchy and cost center hierarchy
- Worktags- concept, delivered and custom worktags, worktag usage and related worktags
3.Financial Accounting Setup
- Fiscal Schedule
- Account Set
- Account Control Rule Set
- Accounting Posting Rule Set
- Account Translation Rule Set
- Journal Reversal Option
- Company Accounting Details
- Create Ledger
- Ledger Period
- Custom Validation
- Currency Setup
4.Security and Business Processes Overview
- Functional Areas
- Domain Security Policies for Functional Area
- Business Process Security Policies for Functional Area
- Create/Edit/View Security Group
- Edit/View Business Process
- Copy Business Process for the Organization
- Customer setup- Worktags, Customer categories and Customer group
- Create/Edit Customer
- Custom Fields for customer Information
- Custom Validation
- Accounting posting rule for Customer
- Sales Item
- Revenue Categories
- Setup Taxes
- Customer Contracts
- Revenue Recognition
7.Customer Invoices
- Create Customer Invoices
- Create Customer Invoice Adjustment
- Cancel Customer Invoice
- Invoice sequencing generator Rule and another setup Write Off
- Credit and Rebill
- Customer Invoice in Dispute
- Consolidated Customer Invoice
8.Customer Payment
- Account Posting Rules for customer Payments
- Record customer payment Overpayment
- Apply Customer Payment
- Reapply an unapplied customer Payment
- Cancel Customer Payment
- Auto Apply customer payment
- Customer Refunds, Cash Sales
9.Cash Management and Settlement
- Banking Setup –> Create Financial Institution, Create Bank Account
- Bank Routing Rule –> Create Bank Routing Rule, Account setup for Bank Routing rule,
- Ad hoc Payment –> Create and Manage Ad hoc payment, Bank Transfer
- Bank Account Reconciliation –> Manual and Automatic Bank Account Reconciliation
10.EIB(Enterprise Interface Builder)
- Create EIB
- Populate data in the template
- Load EIB
- EIBs: Customer Invoice, Customer and Account Set
- Template downloads with data
11.Workday Reporting
- Business Object Details
- Data Sources
- Financial Metrics
- Workday Standard Reports
- Copy Workday Standard Reports
- Create Custom Reports
- Calculated Fields
- Simple reports
- Advanced Reports
- Matrix reports
- Composite reports
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