Workday EIB-Create New Hire Custom Report

Workday EIB – Create New Hire Custom Report Before learning about the hiring custom report, we will have a glance about the what is Report Writer, types, how to create a report. Report Writer Workday’s Report Writer helps you to create reports that you can run directly from your home page or from the Favourites page. As with all Workday actionable reports, you can drill down on items to obtain additional information and use related tasks to perform authorized actions on items within that report. Also, with all reports, you can download the information generated to an Excel spreadsheet or to a PDF document. What you need to know about Report Writer:

  • Workday custom report writing tool
  • Access to Report Writer is by the assignment to the Report Writer User-based Security Group
  • You can copy most delivered reports
  • Share custom reports with other users who have access to the Data Source designated in the report definition.

Report Types There are three report types that can be created using the Workday Report Writer:

  • Simple Report: Simple reports cannot be shared with other users. When you create a simple report, you will not have access to advanced filtering.
  • Once a simple report is created it can be converted to an advanced report.
  • Advanced Report: Advanced reports can be shared with all authorized users, certain authorized users or certain authorized Security Groups.
  • Advanced reports can be enabled to be a web service so that they can be accessed by other systems or 3rd party applications. Advanced reports have expanded filtering capabilities.
  • Worklet: When creating a worklet, all report writer functionality is available (like an advanced report).
  • A worklet differs in that a small version of the report or worklet can be defined within the report definition.
  • The worklet can then be deployed onto the My Workday page, All About Me page or Dashboard. The worklet can also be expanded so that the user can view the entire report and all of its columns of data.

Report Writer Terminology vs. Relational Database

Workday Relational Database
Data Source View
Object Table
Related Object Child Table
Class Report Field (CRF) Column
Instance Row

Steps to Create a Report: There are steps 5 to creating a report in the Workday Report Writer: 1. Choose Report Type and Data Source 2. Select Objects and Fields 3. Order Columns 4. Sort Output 5. Define Filter Criteria Data Sources

  • The first and most important step in developing a custom report is choosing a data source.
  • Each custom report can have 1 data source.
  • Each data source has a primary object as well as many secondary objects that have a 1:1 or 1:M relationship to the primary object.
  • As most reports and integrations focus on Workers (a superset of Employees and Contingent Workers), those are the Data Sources that will be focused upon.

For Reports pertaining to a WORKER that focus on a Worker’s current data or their data in a point in time:

  • WORKER DATA (category)

Every data source also has a PRIMARY OBJECT. The result is that when you report against a particular data source the output will yield 1 instance (row) for every instance of the primary object. Example: The ALL ACTIVE EMPLOYEES data source will yield one instance of data for every employee that is active. That is – unless another filter is built into the report definition. Activity 2—Develop a New Hire Custom Report Scenario: ALAYINA has been asked to create a New Hire Report. The report should prompt the user for a date range and return any hire events that are effective dated within the date range that the user enters. Tasks to Use

  • Create Custom Report
  • Edit Custom Report
  • Run Custom Report

Steps: Create Custom Report Activities Sign in as ALAYINA using the password you were provided 1. Search for Custom Report 2. Select the Create Custom Report task

Field Name Entry Value
Report Name WICT EIB Int New Hire
Report Type Advanced Report
Data Source All Workers

3. Click the OK button to initiate the Report Writer editing page 4. Add the required fields:

  • Legal Name – Last Name
  • Legal Name – First Name
  • Hire Date
  • Cost Center – Name (Text Field)
  • Position ID (Text Field)
  • Social Security Number

5. Add Column Heading Overrides as follows:

  • Last
  • First
  • HireDt
  • CC
  • Pos
  • SSN

6. Add a filter for the Hire Date field that prompts the user for Start Date and End Date

  • Activate the Filter tab
  • Click the icon to add a new row
  • Select Hire Date as the field against which to filter
  • Choose the greater than or equal to operator
  • Change the Comparison Type to be Prompt the user for the value
  • Choose Starting Prompt into the Comparison Values edit box
  • Click the icon to add a new row
  • Again, select Hire Date as the field against which to filter
  • This time, choose the less than or equal to operator
  • Change the Comparison Type to be Prompt the user for the value
  • Choose Ending Prompt into the Comparison Values edit box

7. Add another filter, so that only Employees (not Contingent Workers) appear in the results (hint: select Worker Type as the field against which to filter) 8. Navigate to the Prompts tab

  • Under Prompt Defaults (you may need to scroll down), click the icon to add a new row
  • Enter Hire Date as the Field
  • Enter a label override of Start
  • Click the icon to add a new row
  • Enter Hire Date as the field
  • Enter a label override of End

9. Navigate to the Advanced tab 10. Click on Enable as Web Service checkbox (turn it on) 11. Observe the Web Service API Version defaults to the latest version. Keep this default value. 12. Click the OK button to save the report 13. Click the Run button 14. Enter Monday’s date as the Start and today’s date as the End, click OK 15. Review the report’s output 16. ADVANCED (optional): Update either Dion or Jackie so they have an SSN entered in the system, and rerun the report to verify it appears. Hello all! I’m a nature’s child, who loves the wild, bringing technical knowledge to you restyled.